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Tutorial: Categories and subcategories

Categories, subcategories and other filters

Before uploading products, travels, accommodations, news or any other form, it is good to define the categories and insert them.

The categories allow you to divide your catalog into sections and allow the navigator to quickly locate the product you are looking for, avoid displaying multiple different products, thus avoiding the user losing time unnecessarily on your website and abandoning it, are also indispensable in order to achieve a good search engine.

The CMS allows you to create categories, categories 2, categories 3, subcategories, subcategories 2 and subcategories 3 for all modules.

Brands (Module products and cars), typologies (accommodations, real estate and companies).

Specific filters for the real Estate module and cars module

Geographic filters (region, province, location, coordinates) for travels, accommodations, real estate, companies and events.

In addition, CMS allows you to create new filters and attributes and customize the search engine and your catalog.

Manage categories

In the CMS navigation bar for each form, you will find the section to manage the Categories.

Click the Categories button and sign in to the list. Click the New Category button and enter the product categories.
The same applies to subcategories, categories 2, categories 3, subcategories 2 and subcategories 3.

Categories will be present in your site navigation bar under products, search engines, and sidebar (if enabled).

Ex: category view in the horizontal web site menu
Ex: category view in
web site search engine
Ex: category view in
vertical web site menu

Categories with image and text

Often the main categories are loaded with the addition of images and textual description.

In this image of a homepage were placed in the center of the page categories with images and title: art and culture, cinema, hotels, etc ...

This way the navigator user can immediately understand what the website offers and what the content is.
As you did before, to include the categories, repeat the procedure. In the CMS navigation bar, go to the MODULES > PRODUCTS > CATEGORIES button
After entering the category name, continue with the insertion preview text and description text (optional). Click the INSERT button and return to the list of categories you have entered.

In the list of categories, click the Photo button and upload an image from your PC.

You can also enter an icon for the category. Click the Icon button and select an icon from the available ones.
You can also upload custom icons from your PC.

After creating the categories and inserting the reference image, icon and text, go back to the website to graphically customize the template and view the categories that are included.

If you have a browser window already open on the web site, go back to that window, otherwise from the CMS click on the bottom left button (in the corner) GO TO THE WEB SITE.

Once on the website, click on the MODULE button in the left menu, then click the Products button or the form you need, then the Add Category Container button:

The category container is displayed on your website page, with the boxes to be customized. Repeat the procedure used to customize the Products container for customize the category graphics.